Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Regular program length: 6 semester (full-time program)
Credit points (ECTS): 180 credit points
Language of instruction: German
Higher semester: no
Higher semester: winter and summer term
First semester: September 15
Higher semester: September 15 for winter term, March 15 for summer term
First semester: July 15
Higher semester: July 15 for winter term, January 15 for summer term
Degree and duration
Regular program length of 3 years leading to a "Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)" degree; 180 credit points (corresponding to the Europen Credit Transfer and Accumulation System - ETCS) must be completed. Individual program length may differ from normal program length.
1. und 2. Semester: Höhere Mathematik, Experimentalphysik, Informatik, Programmieren, Vermessungskunde. Die Modulprüfung im Modul Vermessungskunde ist bis zum Ende des Prüfungszeitraums des zweiten Fachsemesters abzulegen (Orientierungsprüfung).
3.- 5. Semester: Differentialgeometrie, Datenbanksysteme, Geodätische Sensorik und Messtechnik, Geometrische Modelle der Geodäsie, Geoinformatik, Laserscanning und Flächenmodellierung, Signalverarbeitung in der Geodäsie, Ausgleichungsrechnung und Statistik, Fernerkundungssysteme/-verfahren, Einführung in das Liegenschaftskataster, Geodätischer Netze, Immobilienwertermittlung, Bodenordnung, Kartographie, Kartenprojektionen, Photogrammetrie, Digitale Bildverarbeitung
6. Semester: Photogrammetrie, Kinematik und Dynamik geodät. Referenzsysteme, Figur und Schwerefeld der Erde, GNSS-Praktikum, Schlüsselqualifikationen
Qualification profile of the graduate
In the Bachelor's degree program, the scientific foundations and the methodology competence in the area of geodesy and geo-informatics are provided. The goal is to acquire the ability to successfully graduate in a Master's degree program, as well as to apply the acquired knowledge in professional areas.
The graduates of the Bachelor's degree program geodesy and geo-informatics have knowledge in the basics of processing and analysis of temporal and spatial data, as well as technical, methodical, and legal knowledge in geodesy and geo-informatics. Further, they have insight in most professional areas for geodesists. Based on their wide knowledge, they can name and describe advanced questions in geodesy and geo-informatics. They have well-founded knowledge about and methods for knowledge acquisition, in order to become acquainted with advanced questions.
They are able to independently analyze basic survey problems and implement practical solutions. They can implement algorithms of geo-informatics as well as apply essential methods for analyzing temporal and spatial data, as well as develop solutions for specific problems in their area of expertise. The graduates have the ability to collect simple relevant information, to analyze and evaluate it, and are able to become acquainted independently with simple topics and problems, as well as overview, analyze, interpret and evaluate them. They are able to work on a given concrete problem in a self-organized and solution oriented way. They can classify area-specific problems and choose suitable methods for acquiring measurement data, and for analyzing and evaluating them.
They know how to document, bring together, illustrate and interpret the obtained results. They are able, after an introduction, to work independently or in a team, to argue in area-related terms, and are able to discuss their arguments with and defend them in front of experts and lay people. The practical handling of specific knowledge occurs under consideration of societal, scientific and ethic aspects.
Mit einem Abschluss in Geodäsie und Geoinformatik hast du beste Chancen auf einen abwechslungsreichen und vielfältigen Arbeitsplatz. Der Mangel an Fachkräften ist in diesem Bereich aktuell groß. Typische Arbeitsbereiche sind
- Öffentliche Verwaltung
- Ingenieur- und Planungsbüros
- Selbstständige Tätigkeit als öffentlich bestellter Vermessungsingenieur oder Vermessungsingenieurin
- EDV-Dienstleistung
- Herstellung geodätischer Instrumente
- Automobilindustrie
- Automationstechnik
- Forschung und Lehre
Im Öffentlichen Dienst beschäftigen vor allem Behörden folgender Zuständigkeitsbereiche Spezialisten aus der Geodäsie und Geoinformatik:
- Landesvermessung
- Kommunale Vermessungs- und Versorgungsunternehmen
- Katasterwesen und Flurneuordnung
- Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie
- Straßenbau
- Wasser- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung
Um eine Anstellung im höheren vermessungstechnischen Verwaltungsdienst zu erreichen, musst du nach dem Masterabschluss einen 18-monatiger Vorbereitungsdienst (=Referendariat) absolvieren.
Tätigkeiten im Bereich der Ingenieurvermessung sind unter anderem:
- Planung und Leitung von Vermessungen im Gelände
- Durchführung von vermessungstechnischen Aufgaben bei der Planung, Absteckung, Überwachung und Rekonstruktion von Bauwerken (Verkehrswege, Brücken, Talsperren, Kraftwerke, Industrieanlagen, Wohn- und Gesellschaftsbauten)
- Mitarbeit bei Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen
- Vermessung von Grundstücken zur Sicherung des Grundeigentums
Auch der weiterhin stark expandierende IT-Bereich bietet dir Jobmöglichkeiten wie in der Softwareentwicklung und im GIS-Bereich. Im Vordergrund steht hier die Erfassung und Verwaltung raumbezogener Geodaten sowie die Erstellung und Nutzung von Geoinformationssystemen in den Bereichen Verwaltungs-, Verkehrs- und Versorgungsmanagement, bei Umwelt- und Sicherheitsaufgaben, bei Energieversorgern und Banken sowie für Freizeit und Tourismus.
Admission requirements
German applicants and those with German-equivalent applicant status
Germans, EU nationals, and non-EU nationals with a German university entrance qualification are eligible to study at KIT if they have one of the following qualifications:
- General university entrance qualification (Abitur)
- (relevant) Fachgebundene Hochschulreife (subject-linked university entrance qualification, not Fachhochschulreife / university of applied sciences entrace qualification)
- Delta examination of the University of Mannheim (for holders of a Fachhochschulreife)
- a recognized diploma of advanced vocational training (e.g. technician, Meister diploma for craftsman) or an aptitude test for vocationally qualified persons
For additional possibilities, see §58 of the Landeshochschulgesetz (State Higher Education Act).
Furthermore, prerequisite for enrollment is the participation in a study orientation test (e.g. at or a study orientation counseling, e.g. by the Zentrale Studienberatung (student advisory services) at KIT, according to §60 Landeshochschulgesetz (State Higher Education Act).
German citizens with foreign school-leaving qualifications must have the equivalence of their qualification with the German Abitur certified by the responsible Regierungspraesidium (regional authority).
Foreign nationals (non-EU)
In Germany, the school leaving certificate of institutions in certain countries is accepted as direct means to enter university. In order to start your bachelor's studies in Germany, a university entrange test and / or one completed year of education at an institute of higher education and / or the "Feststellungsprüfung" (test of aptitude of foreign applicants for studies at universities in Germany) needs to be demonstrated in addition in most cases. You can find country-specific regulations in the "Zulassungsdatenbank des DAAD" (database on adimission requirements of the German Academy Exchange Service) or in the Anabin database (database of the "Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen", only available in German). If you have further questions, please contact the International Students Office.
Knowledge of the German language for foreign nationals
In order to be accepted into a study program taught in German, foreign nationals need to demonstrate knowledge of the German language. For your application, you need to demonstrate knowledge of level B1. All such certificates are accepted, even a certificate of attendance of a B1 course. During the enrollment process, you need to submit a DSH2 certificate or an accepted equivalent thereof. If you have further questions, please contact the International Students Office.
Application portal
Application for the 1st semester
not possible
Application for a higher semester
Study preparation
Prepatory courses at KIT: The MINT-Kolleg offers prospective and first-year students support in natural science and technical subjects (STEM).
In addition, the KIT-Departments offer special preliminary courses before the start of the semester program during the "O-Phase" (orientation week).
Support during your start at KIT
The KIT offers support for all first-year students in order to have a successful start of their studies. Numerous orientation events and mentoring programs at the KIT-Departments help students to make friends, orientate themselves and find support where needed. The central online is a first guide to all important offers, brings together all relevant information and contains helpful hints for a successful start of your studies:
- advisory centers
- mentoring programs
- info sessions
- workshops
- extensive online information
Student advisor
Student advisory services (ZSB)
+49 721 608 - 44930
Annette Hildinger ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Zentrale Studienberatung (ZSB)
Engelbert-Arnold-Str. 2
76131 Karlsruhe
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Kaiserstr. 12
76131 Karlsruhe
First point of contact for international applicants
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
International Students Office (IStO)
Adenauerring 2
76131 Karlsruhe
Printed matter
Module handbook
Statutes and regulations
Teaching calendar
WT 2024/25
10-21-2024 to 02-15-2025
ST 2025
04-22-2025 to 08-02-2025
WT 2025/26
10-27-2025 to 02-21-2026
ST 2026
04-20-2026 to 08-01-2026
WT 2026/27
10-26-2026 to 02-20-2027
ST 2027
04-19-2027 to 07-31-2027
WT 2027/28
10-25-2027 to 02-19-2028
ST 2028
04-18-2028 to 07-29-2028
Lectures will not take place:
- From 12-24 to 01-06
- the week after Pentecost
- on all public holidays in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg