Biology, Chemistry and Process Engineering

Bioengineering B.Sc.

Biology B.Ed.

Biology B.Sc.

Chemistry B.Ed.

Chemistry B.Sc.

Chemical and Process Engineering B.Sc.

Chemical Biology B.Sc.

Food Chemistry B.Sc.

Natural Sciences and Technology B.Ed.
Informatics, Economics and Society

German Literature B.Ed.

Digital Economics B.Sc.

German Literature B.A.

Informatics B.Ed.

Informatics B.Sc.

Engineering Pedagogics B.Sc.

Liberal Arts and Sciences B.A.

Pedagogics B.A.

Philosophy / Ethics B.Ed.

Sports B.Ed.

Sports Science B.Sc.

Information Systems B.Sc.

Industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc.
Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology B.Sc.

Mechanical Engineering B.Sc.

Materials Science and Engineering B.Sc.

Mechanical Engineering (International) B.Sc.

Mechatronics and Information Technology B.Sc.

Biomedical Engineering B.Sc.
Natural and Built Environment

Applied Geosciences B.Sc.

Architecture B.Sc.

Civil Engineering B.Sc.

Geodesy and Geoinformatics B.Sc.

Geography B.Ed.

Geoecology B.Sc.

History of Art B.A.
Physics and Mathematics

Computational and Data Science B.Sc.

Geophysics B.Sc.

Mathematics B.Ed.

Mathematics B.Sc.

Meteorology and Climate Physics B.Sc.

Physics B.Ed.

Physics B.Sc.

Techno-Mathematics B.Sc.

Economathematics B.Sc.