Degree Program Topics Degree NC Deadline WT1 Deadline ST1 Study Area
Applied Geosciences Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Natural Sciences
Applied Geosciences Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Natural Sciences
Architecture Bachelor of Science yes July 15 - Engineering
Architecture Master of Science yes July 15 January 15 Engineering
Bioengineering Bachelor of Science yes July 15 - Engineering
Bioengineering Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Engineering
Biology Bachelor of Science yes July 15 - Natural Sciences
Biology Master of Science yes July 15 January 15 Natural Sciences
Biology Teaching Degree Bachelor of Education yes July 15 - Teaching Degree
Biology Teaching Degree Master of Education yes July 15 January 15 Teaching Degree
Biology Teaching Degree Complementary Subject Master of Education yes July 15 - Teaching Degree
Biomedical Engineering Bachelor of Science yes July 15 - Engineering
Chemical and Process Engineering Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Engineering
Chemical and Process Engineering Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Engineering
Chemical Biology Bachelor of Science yes July 15 - Natural Sciences
Chemical Biology Master of Science yes July 15 January 15 Natural Sciences
Chemistry Bachelor of Science no July 15 - Natural Sciences
Chemistry Master of Science no July 15 January 15 Natural Sciences
Chemistry Teaching Degree Bachelor of Education no July 15 - Teaching Degree
Chemistry Teaching Degree Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
Chemistry Teaching Degree Complementary Subject Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
Civil Engineering Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Engineering
Civil Engineering Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Engineering
Computer Science Master of Science yes July 15 January 15 Engineering
Digital Economics Bachelor of Science yes July 15 - Economics
Digital Economics Master of Science yes July 15 January 15 Economics
Econo­mathematics Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Natural Sciences
Econo­mathematics Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Natural Sciences
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Engineering
Energy Engineering and Management (Postgraduate Course) Master of Science no July 31 January 31 Engineering
Engineering Pedagogics Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Teaching Degree
Engineering Pedagogics Master of Science no July 15 January 15 Teaching Degree
Engineering Structures Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Engineering
European History and Culture of Ideas Magister Artium no September 30 March 31 Humanities and Social Sciences
Financial Engineering (Postgraduate Course) Master of Science no July 31 January 31 Economics
Food Chemistry Bachelor of Science yes July 15 - Natural Sciences
Food Chemistry Master of Science yes July 15 January 15 Natural Sciences
Geodesy and Geoinformatics Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Engineering
Geodesy and Geoinformatics Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Engineering
Geoecology Bachelor of Science yes July 15 - Natural Sciences
Geoecology Master of Science yes July 15 January 15 Natural Sciences
Geography Teaching Degree Bachelor of Education no September 15 - Teaching Degree
Geography Teaching Degree Master of Education no July 15 January 15 Teaching Degree
Geography Teaching Degree Complementary Subject Master of Education no July 15 - Teaching Degree
Geophysics Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Natural Sciences
Geophysics Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Natural Sciences
German Literature Bakkalaureat no September 15 - Humanities and Social Sciences
German Literature Magister Artium no July 15 January 15 Humanities and Social Sciences
German Literature Teaching Degree Bachelor of Education no September 15 - Teaching Degree
German Literature Teaching Degree Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
German Literature Teaching Degree Complementary Subject Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
History of Art Bachelor of Arts no September 15 - Humanities and Social Sciences
History of Art Master of Arts no September 30 March 31 Humanities and Social Sciences
Industrial Engineering and Management Bachelor of Science yes July 15 - Economics
Industrial Engineering and Management Master of Science yes July 15 January 15 Economics
Informatics Bachelor of Science yes July 15 - Engineering
Informatics Master of Science yes July 15 January 15 Engineering
Informatics Teaching Degree Bachelor of Education no September 15 - Teaching Degree
Informatics Teaching Degree Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
Informatics Teaching Degree Complementary Subject Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
Information Engineering and Management for Engineers Master of Education no July 15 January 15 Teaching Degree
Information Systems Bachelor of Science yes July 15 - Economics
Information Systems Master of Science yes July 15 January 15 Economics
Information Systems Engineering and Management (Postgraduate Course) Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Engineering
Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts no September 15 - Humanities and Social Sciences
Management of Product Development (Postgraduate Course) Master of Science no July 31 January 31 Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Engineering
Mathematics Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Natural Sciences
Mathematics Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Natural Sciences
Mathematics Teaching Degree Bachelor of Education no September 15 - Teaching Degree
Mathematics Teaching Degree Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
Mathematics Teaching Degree Complementary Subject Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Engineering
Mechanical Engineering (International) Bachelor of Science yes April 30 - Engineering
Mechatronics and Information Technology Bachelor of Science yes July 15 - Engineering
Mechatronics and Information Technology Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Engineering
Meteorology and Climate Physics Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Natural Sciences
Meteorology and Climate Physics Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Natural Sciences
Mobility and Infrastructure Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Engineering
Mobility Systems Engineering and Management (Postgraduate Course) Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Engineering
Natural Sciences and Technology Teaching Degree Bachelor of Education no September 15 - Teaching Degree
Natural Sciences and Technology Teaching Degree Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
Natural Sciences and Technology Teaching Degree Complementary Subject Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
Optics and Photonics Master of Science yes September 15 - Engineering
Pedagogics Bakkalaureat no September 15 - Humanities and Social Sciences
Pedagogics Magister Artium no July 15 January 15 Humanities and Social Sciences
Philosophy / Ethics Teaching Degree Bachelor of Education no September 15 - Teaching Degree
Philosophy / Ethics Teaching Degree Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
Physics Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Natural Sciences
Physics Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Natural Sciences
Physics Teaching Degree Bachelor of Education no September 15 - Teaching Degree
Physics Teaching Degree Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
Physics Teaching Degree Complementary Subject Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
Production and Operations Management (Postgraduate Course) Master of Science no July 31 January 31 Economics
Regional Sciences Master of Science no September 30 - Engineering
Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics Master of Science yes June 15 November 30 Engineering
Science - Media - Communication Master of Arts yes July 15 January 15 Humanities and Social Sciences
Sports Science Bachelor of Science yes July 15 - Humanities and Social Sciences
Sports Science Master of Science yes July 15 January 15 Humanities and Social Sciences
Sports Teaching Degree Bachelor of Education yes July 15 - Teaching Degree
Sports Teaching Degree Master of Education yes July 15 January 15 Teaching Degree
Sports Teaching Degree Complementary Subject Master of Education no September 30 March 31 Teaching Degree
Techno-Mathe­matics Bachelor of Science no September 15 - Natural Sciences
Techno-Mathe­matics Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Natural Sciences
Technology and Management in Construction Master of Science no September 30 March 31 Engineering
Water Science and Engineering Master of Science yes June 15 November 30 Engineering

1 Please note that the mentioned deadlines only apply to applications for the 1st semester. Additionally, there may be different application deadlines for applicants with citizenship of countries outside of the EU!

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Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Kaiserstr. 12
76131 Karlsruhe


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