Biology, Chemistry and Process Engineering
Bioengineering M.Sc.
Biology M.Ed.
Biology M.Ed. Complementary Subject
Biology M.Sc.
Chemistry M.Ed.
Chemistry M.Ed. Complementary Subject
Chemistry M.Sc.
Chemical and Process Engineering M.Sc.
Chemical Biology M.Sc.
Food Chemistry M.Sc.
Natural Sciences and Technology M.Ed.
Natural Sciences and Technology M.Ed. Complementary Subject
Informatics, Economics and Society
Computer Science M.Sc.
German Literature M.Ed.
German Literature M.Ed. Complementary Subject
Digital Economics M.Sc.
European Culture and History of Ideas M.A.
German Literature M.A.
Informatics M.Ed.
Informatics M.Ed. Complementary Subject
Informatics M.Sc.
Engineering Pedagogics M.Sc.
Information Engineering and Management for Engineers M.Ed.
Pedagogics B.A.
Philosophy / Ethics M.Ed.
Sports M.Ed.
Sports M.Ed. Complementary Subject
Sports Science M.Sc.
Information Systems M.Sc.
Industrial Engineering and Management M.Sc.
Science - Media - Communication M.A.
Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering
Natural and Built Environment
Applied Geosciences M.Sc.
Architecture M.Sc.
Civil Engineering M.Sc.
Engineering Structures M.Sc.
Geodesy and Geoinformatics M.Sc.
Geography M.Ed.
Geography M.Ed. Complementary Subject
Geoecology M.Sc.
History of Art M.A.
Mobility and Infrastructure M.Sc.
Regional Sciences M.Sc.
Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics M.Sc.
Technology and Management in Construction M.Sc.
Water Science and Engineering M.Sc.
Physics and Mathematics
International Schools
Energy Engineering and Management M.Sc.
Financial Engineering M.Sc.
Information Systems Engineering and Management M.Sc.
Management of Product Development M.Sc.
Mobility Systems Engineering and Management M.Sc.
Optics and Photonics M.Sc.
Production and Operations Management M.Sc.