We at KIT want to help you start successfully into your studies. For this purpose, there are various support services that you can use. To ensure you will have a good start in your study program, it is important that you find your way around, get all the relevant information, and get to know your fellow students on and off campus. Your faculty or your study program are your first points for information as there are often very different support services and offers for each study programs depending on your needs.

Here is a list of the most important things which you should definitely use for a successful start to your studies:

  • meetings with the respective student representatives and, most importantly, the O-phase (orientation phase) right at the beginning of your studies.
  • information events or short lectures on the start of your studies at the faculty or at the Zentrale Studienberatung (Student Advisory Service) (e.g. Fit durchs erstes Semester)
  • tutorials on how to use the various platforms you need during your studies (e.g. Campus Management Portal or Ilias etc.)
  • mentoring programs (sometimes they have a different name, best to check with your faculty or study program)
Important information for newly enrolled students

What should you not miss as a first-year student at KIT? What do you need to consider for a good start into your studies?

How to organize your studies

Who can answer my questions? How do I organize myself for a good start into my studies? How is studying at university different from school and what do I need to consider?

 jcomp / Freepik
Support and advise

Who can help if things don't run smoothly? Who can advise me in my learning techniques and who can teach me tips and tricks for my studies?

Wohnen und Leben in Karlsruhe
Living in Karlsruhe

Many know Karlsruhe only as the place of the two highest courts in Germany, the Federal Constitutional Court and the Federal Supreme Court. But both Karlsruhe and the KIT have to offer a lot more than just that!

International matters

No matter if you are coming from a foreign country to the KIT or want to go to a foreign country as KIT exchange student - there are several different places of contact for every question you might have.
