Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Regular program length: 6 semester (full-time program)

Credit points (ECTS): 180 credit points

Language of instruction: German and English

Limited capacity:
First semester: yes / 40 study places
Higher semester: yes
Application possible for:
First semester: winter term
Higher semester: winter and summer term
Application deadline:
German and EU nationals
First semester: July 15
Higher semester: July 15 for winter term, January 15 for summer term
Non-EU nationals:
First semester: July 15
Higher semester: July 15 for winter term, January 15 for summer term

Degree and duration

Regular program length of 3 years leading to a "Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)" degree; 180 credit points (corresponding to the Europen Credit Transfer and Accumulation System - ETCS) must be completed. Individual program length may differ from normal program length.


Das Bachelorstudium bewegt sich inhaltlich an der Schnittstelle von Ökonomie, Computer Science und gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Themen aus den Bereichen Soziologie, Philosophie und Rechtswissenschaften. Aus dezidiert interdisziplinärer Perspektive nimmt es dabei die mit der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung verbundenen Transformationsprozesse in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in den Blick und untersucht deren wettbewerbspolitischen, makroökonomischen und gesellschaftspolitischen Auswirkungen.

Neben dem namengebenden Fach Digital Economics umfasst das Curriculum des Studiengangs die Fächer Volkswirtschaftslehre (VWL), Betriebswirtschaftslehre (BWL), Informatik, Mathematik, Statistik & Ökonometrie, Operations Research (OR) und Gesellschaftswissenschaften.

Zum Pflichtprogramm, das du in diesem Fächerspektrum insbesondere in den Eingangssemestern (teilweise aber auch noch in Semester 4 und 5) absolvierst, zählen die Module:

  • Digital Economics: Introduction to Digital Economics (6 LP), Digital Economics (9 LP), Digital Financial Economics (9 LP)

  • Volkswirtschaftslehre: Einführung in die VWL (10 LP)

  • Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Management & Marketing (5 LP), Finanzierung und Wirtschaftsinformatik (5 LP)

  • Informatik: Einführung in die Programmierung (5 LP), Grundlagen der Informatik 1 (5 LP), Angewandte Informatik und KI (9 LP)

  • Mathematik: Mathematik 1 (8 LP), Mathematik 2 (8 LP)

  • Statistik & Ökonometrie: Einführung in die Statistik (10 LP), Einführung in die Ökonometrie (5 LP)

  • Operations Research: Einführung in das OR (5 LP)

  • Gesellschaftswissenschaften: Rechtliche Aspekte der Digitalisierung (9 LP), Digitalisierung und Gesellschaft (9 LP)

Ein erstes Wahlmodul im Umfang von 9 LP belegst du bereits im dritten und vierten Semester im Fach VWL. Hier kannst du dich zum Beispiel entscheiden für weitere mikro- oder makroökonomische Inhalte, für weitere Vertiefungen im Bereich Statistik und Ökonometrie oder auch für Wirtschaftspolitik oder Wirtschaftstheorie.

Hinzu kommt ab Semester 4 ein eigener Wahlpflichtbereich im Umfang von 42 LP, bei dem du dich entscheiden darfst für

  • weitere drei Wahlmodule (à 9 LP) aus VWL, BWL, OR (hieraus jeweils max. zwei), Informatik, Statistik (jeweils max. eins) und Gesellschaftswissenschaften

  • ein Modul Seminare (2x 3 LP) sowie

  • ein Teamprojekt (9 LP) zum Thema Wirtschaft und Technologie

Zum Abschluss deines Bachelorstudiums fertigst du eine Bachelorarbeit (12 LP) an. Weitere Informationen zu Studienaufbau und -inhalten findest du im Modulhandbuch.


Wenn du während deines Bachelorstudiums ein oder zwei Semester im Ausland verbringen möchtest, wird dies von der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften ausdrücklich unterstützt. So bekommst du beispielsweise Studienleistungen, die du an ausländischen Hochschulen erbracht hast, angerechnet, sofern sie dem Curriculum des KIT-Studiengangs entsprechen.

With a bachelor's degree in Digital Economics, a career in working as a specialist or manager in all areas of public administration, in non-government organizations or in all areas of the private sector affected by digitalization is only one the many posibilities. You also have the opportunity to work in consulting or in start-ups. Or you can opt for an academic career, the next stage of which leads to the research-oriented master's degree in Digital Economics or in a related degree program.

  • newly designed, interdisciplinary degree program
  • first university program of its kind in Germany
  • modern and innovative study concept merging economics and informatics
  • high percentage of informatics
  • individual planning and prioritizing of the curriculum due to extensive selection of elective from semester 3 onwards
  • promotion of soft skills through tutoring models, seminars and a team project
  • high practical relevance through case studies, current applications and the team project
  • connection to the KIT Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (philosophy, sociology)
  • International Relations Office at the KIT Department of Economics and Management offers support for stays abroad
  • partner network with companies for company contacts and internships during your studies
  • bridging courses and semester-accompanying courses at the MINT-Kolleg
  • support for start-ups through the KIT Gruenderschmiede

German applicants and those with German-equivalent applicant status

Germans, EU nationals and non-EU nationals with a German university entrance qualification are eligible to study at KIT if they have one of the following qualifications:

  1. General higher education entrance qualification (Abitur)
  2. (relevant) fachgebundene Hochschulreife (subject-linked university  entrance qualification; not Fachhochschulreife / university of applied scienes entrance qualification)
  3. Delta examination of the University of Mannheim (for holders of a Fachhochschulreife)
  4. a recognized diploma of advanced vocational training (e.g. technician, Meister diploma for craftsman) or an aptitude test for professionally qualified persons

For additional possibilities, see §58 of the Landeshochschulgesetz (State Higher Education Act).

Furthermore, prerequisite for enrollment is the participation in a study orientation test (e.g. at or study orientation counseling, e.g. by the Zentrale Studienberatung (student advisory service) at KIT, in accordance with §60 Landeshochschulgesetz (State Higher Education Act).

German nationals with foreign school-leaving qualifications must have the responsible Regierungspraesidium (regional authority) certify the equivalence of their qualification with the German Abitur.

All applicants

In addition, all applicants, regardless of their nationality, must provide proof of sufficient knowledge of the English language corresponding to at least level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). English language skills can be proven by one of the following internationally recognized tests:

  • Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) with at least 90 points in the internet-based TOEFL test
  • IELTS with an overall score of at least 6.5 and no section below 5.5
  • University of Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) or University of Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)
  • UNIcert at least level II

Proof of English language proficiency by one of the above-mentioned tests is not required for applicants with

  • a university degree from a university with English as the only language of instruction and examination
  • a high school diploma, whereby the foreign language must have been studied for at least five school years leading directly up to graduation with a degree entitling the applicant to university admission. The final or average grade of the last two school years must correspond to at least the German grade 4 or at least 5 points

Foreign nationals (non-EU)

In Germany, the school leaving certificate of institutions in certain countries is accepted as direct means to enter university. In order to start your bachelor's studies in Germany, a university entrange test and / or one completed year of education at an institute of higher education and / or the "Feststellungsprüfung" (test of aptitude of foreign applicants for studies at universities in Germany) needs to be demonstrated in addition in most cases. You can find country-specific regulations in the "Zulassungsdatenbank des DAAD" (database on adimission requirements of the German Academy Exchange Service) or in the Anabin database (database of the "Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen", only available in German). If you have further questions, please contact the International Students Office.

Knowledge of the German language for foreign nationals

In order to be accepted into a study program taught in German, foreign nationals need to demonstrate knowledge of the German language. For your application, you need to demonstrate knowledge of level B1. All such certificates are accepted, even a certificate of attendance of a B1 course. During the enrollment process, you need to submit a DSH2 certificate or an accepted equivalent thereof. If you have further questions, please contact the International Students Office.

Selection procedure for German and EU nationals, and non-German nationals with German university entrance certificates

40 study places are available in this program. After deducting the preliminary quotas for hardship cases (5%), foreign nationals (10%) and applicants for a second degree (2%), 10% of the study places are allocated to the applicants with the longest waiting time. 90% of the study places are allocated via a selection procedure.

The selection procedure is mainly based on the applicants' academic performance. On the basis of these academic achievements and so-called other achievements, a ranking is made according to points.

Calculation of the selection points:

  1. sum of the points in the Abitur divided by 56 or 60
    max. 15 points
  2. arithmetic mean (sum of all points divided by the number of courses) of the upper level school courses:
    • German (weighting 1)
    • Mathematics (weighting 2-fold)
    • best graded, continued (modern) language (weighting 1)
    max. 15 points
  3. other achievements (completed relevant vocational training, relevant professional practice, special training, practical activities, extracurricular achievements and qualifications)
    max. 15 points

Value 1 + value 2 + value 3 = max. 45 points in total

Detailed information on the selection procedure can be found in the statutes for the university's selection procedure for the degree program.

Selection procedure for foreign nationals

Please note, the selection procedure differs for citizens of third countries (Non-EU/EEA). This selection procedure is based on your university entrance qualifications which can consist of your academic performance in school and, if applicated, in institutions of higher education and / or the "Feststellungsprüfung" (test of aptitude of foreign applicants for studies at universities in Germany).

Application for the 1st semester

Application for summer term
not possible

Application for a higher semester

Application deadline for summer term
has passed
MINT-Kolleg MINT-Kolleg

Prepatory courses at KIT: The MINT-Kolleg offers prospective and first-year students support in natural science and technical subjects (STEM).

In addition, the KIT-Departments offer special preliminary courses before the start of the semester program during the "O-Phase" (orientation week).

The KIT offers support for all first-year students in order to have a successful start of their studies. Numerous orientation events and mentoring programs at the KIT-Departments help students to make friends, orientate themselves and find support where needed. The central online is a first guide to all important offers, brings together all relevant information and contains helpful hints for a successful start of your studies:

  • advisory centers
  • mentoring programs
  • info sessions
  • workshops
  • extensive online information
Carmen Reck
Student advisor
Student advisory services (ZSB)

+49 721 608 - 44930Carmen Reck does-not-exist.kit edu


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Zentrale Studienberatung (ZSB)
Engelbert-Arnold-Str. 2
76131 Karlsruhe



+49 721 608 - 82222


Contacts for students

Contacts for applicants


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Kaiserstr. 12
76131 Karlsruhe


Business hours

International Students Office
First point of contact for international applicants

+49 721 608 - 44911

Contact form


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
International Students Office (IStO)
Adenauerring 2
76131 Karlsruhe

WT 2024/25

10-21-2024 to 02-15-2025

ST 2025

04-22-2025 to 08-02-2025

WT 2025/26

10-27-2025 to 02-21-2026

ST 2026

04-20-2026 to 08-01-2026

WT 2026/27

10-26-2026 to 02-20-2027

ST 2027

04-19-2027 to 07-31-2027

WT 2027/28

10-25-2027 to 02-19-2028

ST 2028

04-18-2028 to 07-29-2028

Lectures will not take place:
  • From 12-24 to 01-06
  • the week after Pentecost
  • on all public holidays in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg