Melanie Wild
- Team Service Points
- A - Z
- Team 4
056 (Geb. 10.12)
+49 721 608 - 82222
+49 721 608 - 48180
studserv-team4 ∂does-not-exist.sle kit edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Dienstleistungseinheit Studium und Lehre
- Studierendenservice -
Kaiserstr. 12
76131 Karlsruhe
Business hours
The Welcome Desk is currently open for visitors by appointment only.
The service points are currently open for visitors by appointment only.
The hotline is currently not accepting calls.
Our services:
- application
- admission
- enrollment
- re-registration
- leave of absence
- de-registration
- exam registration
Address labels for inhouse mailings
In charge of degree programs:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Chemical Biology
- Energy Engineering
- Energy Technologies
- Food Chemistry
- Mechanical Engineering
- Material Science and Engineering
- Mechatronics and Information Technology
Any questions?
Please also consider the information provided in the section organizational matters.
Questions about your graduation documents?
You are a temporary student (e.g. ERASMUS+) at KIT?
Time sensitive matters need to be addressed in person during our business hours.
For any further questions please use the contact form.
Questions about your application
Contacts for applicants for all kinds of different matters.